Toyota promotes hydrogen association

19-янв, 17;53 admin 11 173

Toyota, which is seriously interested in hydrogen cars, contributed to the emergence of the association of the same name in Japan. This association will unite for many high-tech manufacturers of cars and hydrogen equipment, including filling stations. The goal of this enterprise is to make hydrogen transport more accessible and safer.

In addition to Toyota, the association will include such eminent companies as Kawasaki, Honda, Toshiba and others. At the same time, the activities of the association will in many respects overlap with the global "hydrogen community", which is headquartered in Oslo.

Many representatives of the largest transport companies are interested in the development of hydrogen transport, as well as in eliminating the shortcomings of this technology, which, unfortunately, are still very, very many.

However, Toyota engineers look to the future with confidence and recognize the importance of the association. According to the leading engineer of Toyota, this organization will accelerate the development of new technologies by speedy exchange of experience between divisions of different companies. We can only watch the rapid development of events.